Don’t forget that H2O

In my last blog I wrote about adventurous things to do in and around the Las Vegas area. There are a few things to remember when doing something active, especially somewhere warm. Make sure to wear proper footwear, proper clothing and most importantly…


Take it from me, I have encountered so many times in the heat where I had to get somewhere cool and sit. So how do you prevent this problem besides bringing a bottle of water with you?

  1. If you feel thirsty, DRINK. Drink drink drink!
  2. Consume the right liquids. Drink water and juice to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated.
  3. Wear a hat. Ok, you’re not drinking this one… but wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun and to cool yourself down.
  4. Check your pee. What? If your pee is a dark yellow, you’re probably dehydrated! Keep drinking throughout the day so that when you look in the toilet your pee is on the clearer side.

Be prepared so you can have fun while travelling! 11892226_10153099171570509_7670014385194626314_n

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